HIRAM the Highways Infrastructure Resilience Assessment Modelling tool

HIRAM has been specifically developed to a Local Authority specification.
It was initially developed through a joint venture procurement involving the South West Highways Alliance (SWHA) and the Environment Agency (EA), with input from the Met Office, Climate Ready, Climate South West and Climate UK.
Designed by local authorities
for local authorities
HIRAM remains the intellectual property of the SWHA. It truly is a system designed, owned, and operated by Local Authorities solely for the benefit of Local Authorities.
- Local Authority designed and owned
- Designed specifically to address defined Highway Authority resilience needs
- Very low annual costs to users
- SaaS model provides simplicity (no software or hardware to install) and security
- Adheres to many of the UK government’s Digital Service Standards
- Opportunities to share information between Authorities and to collaborate on solutions
- Uses industry recognised equations for both carbon impact and user costs
- Facilitates consistent, un-biased assessment of resilience schemes which is more geared to providing the information required from budget holders
- Proven success in helping secure funding from the Department for Transport

Quickly see all your resilience issues on a map background and drill down to see all the detail behind any particular resilience scheme. Use the simple forms to edit the scheme details and perform simple “what if” scenarios.
- Tips & Tutorials
See all your resilience issues in a priority list sorted by Economic Rate of Return created by the built in HIRAM algorithms.
Use our intelligent reporting tools to print out lists and individual scheme details.
When development started on HIRAM, the key driver was the need to respond to problems all Local Authorities were facing due to extreme weather events, which are on the increase due to climate change.
Most, if not all, Local Authorities are experiencing extreme weather events which are causing increased costs to the Authorities themselves – directly in terms of clearing up and fixing – costs to local businesses, and costs to the travelling public.
Furthermore, there is an issue of increased carbon impact when vehicles are queuing or having to travel further – if they are delayed at, or diverted around, a weather-related full or partial highway closure.


Simple Scheme creation
Use our intuitive forms to quickly create resilience schemes which can be processed and ranked using the HIRAM modelling algorithms.
the power of collaboration
Easily check your schemes and resilience modelling against neighbouring authorities to ensure a cohesive and coordinated approach.
get results in only a few days
Our simple web deployment model means that you can be up and running in only a few days.